【越南最大及最負盛名的新創大賽Startup Wheel 2022 Call for Startup!】
★ 活動內容:
由越南Business Startup Support Center (BSSC) 和Young Businesspeople Association (YBA) 所舉辦的Startup Wheel是目前越南最大及最負盛名的新創大賽。這場比賽到現在已經成功協助1,000多家當地科技新創企業成功擴展事業版圖。一年一度的Startup Wheel目前已經舉辦第九年了!再次邀請世界各地想要進入越南市場和東南亞市場的新創團隊一同參與!
凡是由t. Hub推薦的新創團隊,可直接進入Top 50 Selection! 請盡速報名!
(請報名完成的t. Hub 團隊,email至 告知Startup ID& Company name)
凡是由t. Hub推薦的新創團隊,可直接進入Top 50 Selection!
After 9 years of building the Vietnam startup ecosystem, Startup Wheel has helped +1,000 Top startups scale their business in Vietnam and the region. At Startup Wheel, most potential startups will be spotlighted and connected with Potential Customers, Business Partners, Industry Leaders, and Leading Investors through a series of activities and events. Explore more via:
Let's be part of Startup Wheel 2022 - A launchpad to expand your business to Vietnam market.
Click the exclusive apply link below to get the TOP 50 priority interview.
★截止日期Deadline:2022 / 5 / 27 (五)
★手刀報名去Apply now:
由越南Business Startup Support Center (BSSC) 和Young Businesspeople Association (YBA) 所舉辦的Startup Wheel是目前越南最大及最負盛名的新創大賽。這場比賽到現在已經成功協助1,000多家當地科技新創企業成功擴展事業版圖。一年一度的Startup Wheel目前已經舉辦第九年了!再次邀請世界各地想要進入越南市場和東南亞市場的新創團隊一同參與!
凡是由t. Hub推薦的新創團隊,可直接進入Top 50 Selection! 請盡速報名!
(請報名完成的t. Hub 團隊,email至 告知Startup ID& Company name)

After 9 years of building the Vietnam startup ecosystem, Startup Wheel has helped +1,000 Top startups scale their business in Vietnam and the region. At Startup Wheel, most potential startups will be spotlighted and connected with Potential Customers, Business Partners, Industry Leaders, and Leading Investors through a series of activities and events. Explore more via:
Let's be part of Startup Wheel 2022 - A launchpad to expand your business to Vietnam market.
Click the exclusive apply link below to get the TOP 50 priority interview.
★截止日期Deadline:2022 / 5 / 27 (五)
★手刀報名去Apply now: