
為將台北市打造成為亞洲創新創業最適發展的城市並協助臺灣新創擴展國際市場,t.Hub攜手臺北市政府與La French Tech Taiwan將於2023年11月3日共同舉辦「專家講座」、「新創團隊pitch」等系列活動,並邀請國際專家業師、國際企業代表、國際創投、創育機構及國內外新創團隊參與,促進專業知識、科技能量和人才等國際交流,並有助於新創團隊了解法國新創生態圈,拓展海內外市場,透過海外夥伴的網絡與合作鏈結,促成更多國際合作機會。
In an effort to make Taipei City the most conducive environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia, and to assist Taiwanese startups to step into international markets, t.Hub, in collaboration with the Taipei City Government and La French Tech Taiwan, will jointly host an event including "presentations" and "Startup Pitches" on November 3rd 2023. To increase the opportunity for professional knowledge, technological expertise and talent exchange internationally, we will invite international experts, representatives from global corporations, international investors, incubators, as well as domestic and foreign startup teams to participate. It will also provide an opportunity for startup teams to gain insights into the French startup ecosystem, and incentives to expand into the French and European markets, and foster more international cooperation through networking and collaboration with overseas partners.
t.Hub 2023 x France 國際交流

2023.11.03 (Fri.) 9:30 am – 12 pm

t.Hub 內科創新育成基地 1F(台北市內湖區瑞光路335號No. 335, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City)
報名Application Procedures:

- Turing Space 台灣圖靈鏈 (
- SolutionStor 思拓系統 (
- IntelliLead 智引力 (
- Devax Biomed 德立生物醫學 (
- OEN Tech 應援科技 (
- JGB Property 金箍棒智慧物業(
- Deguang Digital 德廣數位(
- Team 8 (
- AI.guidance (
- AI Square (
- 方略電子PanelSemi (

1.徵選對象Eligibility and Requirements:
Any technological startups based in Taiwan. Special attention will be given to startups in the following sectors: greentech, biotech, semiconductor, finance, AI, with an interest in expanding into the French market.
2. 評審Judge of Pitch contest:
Mr. Laurent Le Guyader (Co-President of La French Tech Taiwan).Mr. Jonathan Drubay (Innovation Expert, French Office in Taipei/NSTC)
Representatives from French multinational companies
Ryan Yang (Chairman, Tech Scope Investments)
3.報名辦法Application Procedures:
Step1. 線上報名(擇一) online registration:
- Google表單:
- Accupass:
Please upload 1 slide PowerPoint. We will select 5-15 teams for the final pitch session on 3rd Nov. The PowerPoint should included following contents:
3. 創立年度 Founding year
4. 中英簡介 Brief English/Mandarin description
5. 網站(如無則省略) Website
6. 公司發展階段 What stage they are (early stage, mature startup, etc.)
7. 簡述目前需求 (募資、前進法國市場、尋找歐洲合作夥伴、加速器/育成中心等......)
5.獎項Awards & Prizes:
(1) La French Tech Taiwan提供免費輔導(前進法國、歐盟市場,有機會與法國新創生態圈合作)。
Mentorship sessions with La French Tech (French and EU market; connection with French innovation ecosystem)
French Corporate Acceleration opportunity: Startup teams will also be evaluated for a possible connection with French corporate acceleration programs in France. (e.g. 6-month acceleration at Station F in Paris)