「Opportunities in Japan: Startup Insights 臺日新創交流論壇」是一場國際頂尖盛會,匯聚日本與臺灣的創投精英與新創力量,共同推 動兩國創業生態系的深度合作與交流!本次活動包含兩場重磅論壇,讓您不僅能汲取前沿洞察,還能在會後自由交流,拓展無限商機。誠摯邀請所有對創新與跨國合作充滿熱情的夥伴,一起攜手翻開未來新篇章!
【第一場】The New Era for Japan’s Global Startup Market 日本新創發展全新紀元!
由日本 01Booster 執行總監川島健,以及兩家已進入日本發展的臺灣新創 — Turing Space創辦人暨執行長胡耀傑、awoo 阿物科技創辦人暨執行長林思吾,探討日本「新創元年」帶來的機會,分享前進日本市場發展的寶貴經驗,讓大家能深入了解進軍日本的機遇與挑戰!
川島 健 Takeru Kawashima
現任日本 01Booster 執行總監,管理多個加速器計畫、風險投資及推動與海外加速器合作。為促進跨境投資拓展,曾創立 Across Asia Alliance 亞洲風險投資與加速器之社群,也曾創立專注新創合作管理的 SaaS 公司 InnoScouter,爾後透過併購引領 InnoScouter 加入 01Booster 並擔任新事業發展董事。
胡耀傑 Jeff Hu
現任Turing Space創辦人暨執行長,更是圖靈證書發明人。美國加州大學柏克萊分校(UCBerkeley)工程碩士-金融科技(MEng’20 FinTech)。曾在德國慕尼黑「ACM MobiSys CryBlock 2018 論壇」發表區塊鏈技術論文並獲最佳論文殊榮。Turing Space於2023年進入日本市場並獲當地政府支持共同推廣數位政策,與多個城市進行合作。
林思吾 Mike Lin
現任 awoo 阿物科技創辦人暨執行長,為連續創業家,擁有近20年SEO跨產業服務經驗與數據分析,深度了解新零售產業趨勢需求,打造結合 AI 及 Martech 的 Cookieless 解決方案,也將 awoo 成功轉型成為 AI 驅動的 SaaS 領航公司,在台灣、日本都備受各大知名品牌企業支持。
柯旂 Chi Ko
現於Startup Island TAIWAN 日本辦公室協助品牌規劃,協助新創赴日發展。
【第二場】Startup Demo Pitch: Taiwanese Startups' Bold Steps into Japan! 臺灣創業新星的日本進擊DEMO!
日期/時間:2024年10月17日 (星期四) 下午1:30至5:00
地點:t.Hub Taipei 內科創新育成基地
地址:台北市內湖區瑞光路335號1F i Stage
13:30 - 14:00 來賓報到
14:00 - 14:15 開場致詞 / 大合照
14:15 - 15:00【上半場】日本新創發展全新紀元
15:00 - 15:10 中場休息
15:10 - 16:00【下半場】臺灣創業新星的日本進擊DEMO
16:00 - 17:00 自由交流
Event Overview:
"Opportunities in Japan: Startup Insights" is happening at t.Hub Taipei! To accelerate Taiwanese startups' expansion into Japan, t.Hub and Honhui Group, in collaboration with flyingVest Venture, are hosting a dynamic Taiwan-Japan international event. The focus is on "Entering the Japanese Market," featuring insights from renowned Japanese venture capitalists, corporate managers, industry leaders, and standout startups. They'll be sharing real-world experiences, discussing opportunities and challenges, and we'll also have a diverse range of startups showcasing their innovations in a Demo Pitch! Join us on October 17th as we step into Japan together!
【Session 1】The New Era for Japan’s Global Startup Market
In the first session, titled "The New Era for Japan’s Global Startup Market," we are honored to feature Takeru Kawashima of 01Booster, alongside the founders of two Taiwanese startups that have successfully entered the Japanese market — Jeff Hu of Turing Space and Mike Lin of awoo. They will discuss the opportunities brought by Japan's "Startup Year" and share their valuable experiences on expanding into the Japanese market, providing deep insights into the opportunities and challenges of entering Japan.
5 Key Topics:
•Opportunities arising from Japan's "Startup Year"•Development of startups in the Japanese market
•Challenges of entering the Japanese market
•Experiences in market expansion
•Advice for startups looking to enter Japan

Takeru Kawashima
Currently serving as Executive Director at 01Booster in Japan, Takeru Kawashima manages multiple accelerator programs, venture investments, and fosters collaborations with international accelerators. To promote cross-border investment expansion, he founded the Across Asia Alliance, a community of Asian venture capitalists and accelerators. Additionally, he established InnoScouter, a SaaS company focused on startup collaboration management, and later led its acquisition by 01Booster, where he now serves as Director of New Business Development.
Jeff Hu
Jeff Hu is the Founder and CEO of Turing Space and the inventor of the Turing Certs. He holds a Master’s degree in Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley (MEng '20 FinTech). Hu presented a blockchain technology paper at the "ACM MobiSys CryBlock 2018" forum in Munich, Germany, earning the "Best Paper" award. In 2023, Turing Space entered the Japanese market, supported by the local government in promoting digital policies and collaborating with multiple cities.
Mike Lin
Mike Lin is the Founder and CEO of awoo, a seasoned serial entrepreneur with decades of cross-industry SEO and data analysis experience. He deeply understands the trends and demands of the new retail industry and has developed a Cookieless solution that integrates AI and Martech. Lin successfully transformed awoo into an AI-driven SaaS company, gaining strong support from major brands in both Taiwan and Japan.
Chi Ko
Currently serves as Brand Strategy Coordinator at Startup Island TAIWAN.
【Session 2】Startup Demo Pitch: Taiwanese Startups' Bold Steps into Japan
In the second session, we will focus on Taiwanese startups with strong potential in the Japanese market, spanning industries like AI, 5G, and IoT. These innovative teams will showcase their entrepreneurial highlights and market potential. We are honored to have Takeru Kawashima, Executive director of 01Booster, alongside Kris Peng, President of UMC Capital, and Cody Lee, President of 眾盈資本, providing on-site feedback. Their strategic advice and insights will help these startups grow more efficiently and effectively.
Event Information
Time:OCT 17, 2024 (Thursday) 1:30 pm – 5 pm
Venue:t.Hub Taipei
Address: No. 335, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City
Event Agenda
•13:30 - 14:00 Guest Check-in•14:00 - 14:15 Opening Remarks
•14:15 - 15:00【Session 1】The New Era for Japan’s Global Startup Market
•15:00 - 15:10 Take a Rest
•15:10 - 16:00【Session 2】Startup Demo Pitch: Taiwanese Startups' Bold Steps into Japan
•16:00 - 17:00 Networking
Register here
This is a half-day event conducted entirely in English. Afternoon tea and refreshments will be provided on-site for all attendees.