【t. Hub Startup Carnival 2021 (宏匯 X t.Hub領航國際新創嘉年華) 】
★ 活動內容 (About this event):
本場「宏匯 X t.Hub領航國際新創嘉年華」預計邀請國際專家業師、國際企業代表(光寶、意法半導體、威剛等)、國際創投、創育機構及國內外新創團隊參與,促進專業知識、科技能量和人才等國際交流,持續加速臺灣的新創團隊與國際接軌。
Invited guests including global tech experts, venture capitals, corporations (LITEON, STMicroelectronics, ADATA Technology, etc.), incubators & accelerators, and local & foreign startups to exchange views on global trends and technologies to foster startup-global collaboration.
Startups are invited to showcase their technologies & prototypes by interacting with experts, investors, corporations, etc., driving startups and SMEs’ collaboration opportunities with international organizations.
★活動議程 (Agenda):

★活動日期 (Date):2021年11月12日 (五) Friday, Nov. 12, 2021
★活動時間 (Time):09:00 - 16:00 (Taipei Time / GMT +8)
★ 活動地點 (Venue):1F, t.Hub (Hub內科創新育成基地:台北市內湖區瑞光路335號一樓)
※交通資訊請參考 (Venue Info):
★ 報名網址 (Register):
★ 講師 (Speakers):
本場「宏匯 X t.Hub領航國際新創嘉年華」預計邀請國際專家業師、國際企業代表(光寶、意法半導體、威剛等)、國際創投、創育機構及國內外新創團隊參與,促進專業知識、科技能量和人才等國際交流,持續加速臺灣的新創團隊與國際接軌。
Invited guests including global tech experts, venture capitals, corporations (LITEON, STMicroelectronics, ADATA Technology, etc.), incubators & accelerators, and local & foreign startups to exchange views on global trends and technologies to foster startup-global collaboration.
Startups are invited to showcase their technologies & prototypes by interacting with experts, investors, corporations, etc., driving startups and SMEs’ collaboration opportunities with international organizations.
★活動議程 (Agenda):

★活動日期 (Date):2021年11月12日 (五) Friday, Nov. 12, 2021
★活動時間 (Time):09:00 - 16:00 (Taipei Time / GMT +8)
★ 活動地點 (Venue):1F, t.Hub (Hub內科創新育成基地:台北市內湖區瑞光路335號一樓)
※交通資訊請參考 (Venue Info):
★ 報名網址 (Register):
★ 講師 (Speakers):
- Volker Heistermann, Co-Founder, Mosaic Venture Lab 玉山國際加速器總經理
- Judy Chen, Trade Commissioner – CTA Manager, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei 加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處科技加速器經理
- Giuseppe Izzo, Managing Director, Taiwan & Vice President, Asia Pacific Region, STMicroelectronics 意法半導體, 台灣區總經理, 亞太區副總裁
- Alex Shen, Vice President, UMC Capital 宏誠創投投資副總
- Bruce Bateman, Chief Innovation Advisor, LITEON 光寶科技創新部門總監
- Luca Di Fiore, Head of Products at ADATA Technology 威剛科技產品總監
- Sascha Pallenberg, CAO, aware The Platform and former Head of Digital Transformation, Daimler 時任戴姆 勒汽車集團(賓士) 全球數位轉型總監
- Paolo Joseph Lising, Author, Startup Taiwan, Founder at MillionDC.com創辦人